
Thank you for visiting the Life at Ravenheart Blog. Ravenheart Farms is located near Kamsack, Saskatchewan, Canada (about 4 hours from Saskatoon, 3 hours from Regina, and less than an our from the growing city of Yorkton, SK).

Monday, May 4, 2009

For the love of Saskatchewan...

To My Knees

I step out into the October night
leaving the sweet, sensual fragrance
of a rural Saskatchewan coffee house,
I breathe in the crisp fall air
fresh, still and clean
My heart thankful for poets,
kindred spirits,
Bearing their souls on tender tongues
Feeling, as I might,
the desire to capture the essence
of this "Heavenly" land.
Like a diamond in the rough,
the beauty lies deep,
uncovered only by eyes
willing to look deeper,
beyond perceptions
of prairie nakedness,
beholding the beauty
of crimson skies.
Lost in the reverie
as I navigate the winding road,
I am called abruptly to awareness,
hearing the rattle of cd’s
sliding to the floor,
as I brake suddenly,
in split second timing,
allowing the graceful deer,
to bound across in safety.
The warm lights
of a country farm home,
guide me along,
and up a dark and lengthy driveway.
My arrival is greeted
with furry exuberance,
canines and felines,
the soft, welcoming nicker
of equines,
red, white, black and gold,
nuzzling, their sweet breath on my cheek,
anticipating their evening hay.
Looking up,
I spot the Harvest moon,
Softly encircled by downy clouds,
shimmering in the moonlight,
a sight,
that takes me to my knees
in gratitude.

- Carol Marriott -

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