
Thank you for visiting the Life at Ravenheart Blog. Ravenheart Farms is located near Kamsack, Saskatchewan, Canada (about 4 hours from Saskatoon, 3 hours from Regina, and less than an our from the growing city of Yorkton, SK).

Monday, May 4, 2009

Living Consciously - by Rev. Carol Carnes

Living Consciously May 1, 2009

Dear friends,

In Hawaii they call it the coconut wireless. In small towns it is barber shop news. For most of us it is the internet or CNN. Called by any name, the spread of a story is fast, and like rumors of all kinds, takes on enormous proportions. Group Think is my new name for it. It is the phenomenon of sharing a belief with many others, whether or not it is actually true. Soon there is panic or a mob or simply a wave of fear that distracts us from the real issues we need to be creatively solving.

Personally, we can live our whole lives believing something that is not true. The problem is, we act on our beliefs, which are inner promptings that cause behaviours. We also tend to want to enrol as many other people as possible in them! We want buy in and agreement and we will go to great lengths to get it. Defending beliefs is the great pastime of humanity.

Some of our erroneous beliefs are simply unexamined impressions we brought with us from childhood. It is like a juicy piece of gossip that becomes our ticket to center stage as we tell it again and again. We develop a story about ourselves and unintentionally, we live it out and prove it to be so. A good exercise is to identify those limiting beliefs we have carried with us for years; such as I am unworthy of love, or I am damaged or There is not enough of anything for everybody. Then ask ourself, Is that true? Our first response might be YES but after some honest reflection we will have to admit it is nothing but gossip and childish thinking.

Today start a new rumor about yourself. Say I am happy, healthy, wealthy and wise. It is a good start to a new belief that happens to be true. Let it spread throughout your body and mind. Soon you will be telling a new story.

Peace and Blessings,

Rev Carol Carnes www.positiveliving.org

For the love of Saskatchewan...

To My Knees

I step out into the October night
leaving the sweet, sensual fragrance
of a rural Saskatchewan coffee house,
I breathe in the crisp fall air
fresh, still and clean
My heart thankful for poets,
kindred spirits,
Bearing their souls on tender tongues
Feeling, as I might,
the desire to capture the essence
of this "Heavenly" land.
Like a diamond in the rough,
the beauty lies deep,
uncovered only by eyes
willing to look deeper,
beyond perceptions
of prairie nakedness,
beholding the beauty
of crimson skies.
Lost in the reverie
as I navigate the winding road,
I am called abruptly to awareness,
hearing the rattle of cd’s
sliding to the floor,
as I brake suddenly,
in split second timing,
allowing the graceful deer,
to bound across in safety.
The warm lights
of a country farm home,
guide me along,
and up a dark and lengthy driveway.
My arrival is greeted
with furry exuberance,
canines and felines,
the soft, welcoming nicker
of equines,
red, white, black and gold,
nuzzling, their sweet breath on my cheek,
anticipating their evening hay.
Looking up,
I spot the Harvest moon,
Softly encircled by downy clouds,
shimmering in the moonlight,
a sight,
that takes me to my knees
in gratitude.

- Carol Marriott -

Spring and love and all good things...

Love’s Magnificent Flower

Love, like a seed that lies snugly beneath the earth,
healthy, whole, sustained and independent
content and peacefully held in this rich
and nurturing place,
surrounded by earthly nutrients,
an inner knowing of the
magnificence that its soft shell gently covers.
As season’s change…
the long winter chill gradually retreats,
the warm spring sun begins to softly caress
the earth,
a recognition stirs deep within,
a remembering of past seasons in the sun.
Awakened and sprouting beneath the earth, its sturdy stem slowly rising,
moving steadily upwards towards the warmth and light gently calling it forth,
concurrently sprouting and planting strong and healthy roots
beneath it,
spreading and stretching,
grounding and anchoring
held securely in the fertile “Mother Earth” soil,
resembling the friends and family that support our dreams,
offering their love, care and encouragement,
recognizing in us what we may not be able to see for ourselves,
and nurturing us as we bloom and grow,
celebrating as we find our place in the beauty of life’s splendid garden…
this garden of divine and magnificent love.

- Carol Marriott -