When is the last time you really looked at a Snowflake? For me it was today. I had just returned to my Jeep after picking up my mail at the post office in Humboldt, and was about to open the door when I was suddenly drawn to tiny white snowflakes on the black door handle. Maybe my unconscious mind kicked in, knowing that Melva, Editor of WHOLifE Journal is including an article in the upcoming issue about snowflakes and she had mentioned this to me, and sent some pictures from her photographer friend, Richard Walters. Maybe I experienced a true "in the moment" moment. Maybe I was blessed. I stood there captivated and gazing at my doorhandle, until I thought that people might really wonder what was up with me. What I saw in that moment was breathtaking and magical. Tiny, exquisite, perfectly beautiful, sparkling little miracles. Each one unique and different. Can you imagine? I have always heard that every snowflake that falls is different, but I have never stopped to contemplate this until today.
Wilson Bentley once wrote, "The farm folks up in this North Country dread the winter, but I was always supremely happy, from the day of the first snowfall--which usually came in November--until the last one, which sometimes came as late as May." For the "Snowflake Man," snow was a lifelong lesson in the way nature's beauty arises from a delicate balance of law and chaos, fixity and change.--Chet RaymoThe Old Farmer's Almanac-Guide to Watching the Weather.
See more about Wilson Bentley at: http://www.linda-goodman.com/ubb/Forum2/HTML/002678.html
I invite you to take a few moments, in the sparkling light of a winter's afternoon, to venture outside and wonder at the beauty of snowflakes, just like Wilson Bentley did, take some photos, and share them with friends, and enjoy the article and photos about snowflakes in the January/February issue of WHOLifE Journal.
Happy winter!